Friday 11 May 2018

Anal Fissure Treatment Ayurveda Nagpur |Treatment Anorectal Disorders

The eating habits that we follow nowadays have made piles one of the most common problems in recent times. Piles, also called haemorrhoids, occur mainly due to diet and our lifestyle.  Piles are of two types, viz., the bleeding piles and the non bleeding piles. They are very common in pregnancy too.
What are Piles?

Piles or hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum and anus. The veins at the lower end of rectum become inflamed and swollen due to passage of hard stool and develop into non-bleeding piles. As the pressure on rectum and anus increases during the bowel movement, it causes more pressure on these veins. With time, when the veins become too inflamed or sensitive due to persistent pressure, they may burst and cause rectal bleeding which is very painful. These are then called bleeding piles.
Nonbleeding piles :-
Only pile mass can be felt. It causes pain and discomfort, and lot of irritation and itching in anal region.
Bleeding piles :-
The piles which usually bleed called as bleeding piles. It is very painful & troublesome condition. It affects the psychological and physiological health of a person. Regular bleeding causes extreme weakness and lead to anemia. Patient feels dizzy and may faint in extreme cases.
Another type of classification of piles is based upon their location: internal and external piles.
Internal Hemorrhoids :-
They are located in the inner lining of the anal region. These hemorrhoids are usually painless. They are not visible but when get inflamed lead to bleeding.

External hemorrhoids :-
They are located on the external side of the rectum. They are painful, can be felt by touch and are quite visible.  When they are inflamed they burst causing bleeding.
Haemorrhoids are serious health disorder only when they begin to swell, causing bleeding, itching, and pain.
What Causes Piles?
Most common cause of piles is persistent constipation.
Some other causes can be enlisted as follows :-
o    Pregnancy
o    Sedentary lifestyle
o    Obesity
o    Untreated gastric conditions like dysentery.
o    Prolonged sitting job
o    Colon cancer
o    Previous rectal surgery
What are the Symptoms?
o    Pain in anal region
o    Itching and irritation in anal region
o    Mass felt in anal region
o    Constipation
o    Bleeding during defecation
Ayurvedic Concept of Piles
The disease in which the mamsa ankurs occurs at the opening of guda marg obstructs the pathway & troubles the person like the enemy is called as arshas.
Pathogenesis of Piles
The vitiated tridoshas (Vata, pitta & kapha) goes into the twak (skin) mamsa (muscles) & meda (Far) sthan & cause the formation of tag i.e. mamasanuntcur as the anal opening.
There are 6 types of Arshas, viz.,
o    Vataj
o    Pittaj
o    Kaphaj
o    Sannipataja
o    Raktaja
o    Sahaja
Treatment of Piles
Arshas or piles can be treated with 4 types of treatment :
o    Shastra karma — surgical method
o    Kshara karma— cauterization with alkalis
o    Agni karma — fire  cauterization
o    Aushadha  — medicines
Treatment of arshas is classified into 2 categories :
o    Shuska Arsha: The arshas which are dry in nature. It is caused by vitiation of vata, kapha or vata-kapha doshas
o    Aadra Arsha: This is wet in nature. They occur due to vitiation of pitta, rakta and rakta – pitta doshas.
Sushk arsh chikitsa :-
o    Local Abhyanga – Treatment with till tail and ghrut
o    Swedan– Treatment by rasna churna
o    Avagahan– Very effective in painful condition. Sitz bath by medicinal preparation of triphala and haridra
o    Dhupan – Fumigation of the anal region with dhupan dravyas
o    Lepanam– Application of paste on pile mass for resolution
o    Basti–  Use of medicated drugs which are useful for internal healing
o    Other treatments: Raktarsha chikitsta, Langhan, Tikradravya prayoga, Rakta sthambhan yoga
o    Use of Medicinal preparations like Abhayarishta, Falarishta, Chavyadighruta, Pippalyadi ghruta, Nagaradi ahruta, Bilwadi yoga,Triphala  guggul, Kanchanar guggul, Avipattikar churna, Ghandharva tiastyadi kwath, and Trivritta avaleha
Why Take to Parijatak?
Parijatak Ayurveda follows authentic methods for treatment of piles. No matter what medication you have taken earlier, Ayurveda is the best way to cure the painful piles. When you need effective medical consultation for the chronic trouble of piles, trust Ayurveda. Visit Parijatak Ayurveda and help yourself in the most natural way.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are really helpful and I will for sure come back to read more of your posts!
